Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tortured Plastic?

After a hiatus of 17 years I'm seriously thinking of putting out a mini-comic again. Here's a sneak peak at a possible cover design.


  1. dont know if you are aware there are multitude of lego/minimate figure animations using characters from dc and marvel

    my kids did one as they are massive fans of toys n superheroes

    there is also a guy called forrestfire 101
    who did an amazing batman series which as the inspiration for thousands.
    looking forward to seeing your mini comic,really interested in how you will be publishing it in this 21st century.

  2. Thanks for those links.
    Only two pages of the mini-comic will have toys. The rest is more traditional art.
    As for how ... currently I'm leaning to buying a cheap printer and running it into the ground, as that seems to be more cost effective than any other option I can price.
